Time to join the Rust hype train 🚄
The goal in this article is to be able to connect to a SQL Server and store the results in a struct
. I have been primarily writing programs in C# and Golang. One of the cruicial features in most apps is being able to interface with a database. There are lots of great libraries out there but only a few support Microsoft SQL Server.
I wrote this guide to help myself and others easily get started.
Let's create a brand new Rust project using cargo cli.
cargo new sqlserver-query
Open the newly created directory in your favorite editor.
We will be using the following dependencies:
Open up the Cargo.toml
file and update the dependencies list:
dotenv = "0.15.0"
tiberius = "0.7.1"
anyhow = "1.0"
version = "1.11.0"
features = ["attributes"]
Then run cargo run
to install and build the dependencies
I have a test database with a table called Vehicles
containg the following rows:
Year | Make | Model |
2019 | Mercedes | CLS |
2021 | Audi | SQ5 |
2021 | Tesla | Model 3 |
Coming from C#, we typically use an ADO Connection String like so:
Server=IP_ADDR,PORT;Database=DB;User Id=UID;Password=PASSWORD
Create a new file called .env
and add the CONNECTION_STRING key-value pair. We will need to wrap the Connection String in quotes to escape the equal signs.
Clear out the main.rs
file and replace the contents with the following:
use dotenv::dotenv;
use std::env;
fn main() {
let connection_string = env::var("CONNECTION_STRING").expect("CONNECTION_STRING must be set");
println!("{}", connection_string);
Run cargo run
to makes sure we are getting our connection string value successfully
To setup async std, we will annotate the main function with the macro #[async_std::main]
async fn main() {
// ...
Next, we will have the main function return anyhow::Result<()>
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// ...
Now to the fun part, creating the connection and executing the query. We'll create a function called get_vehicles
Here's the breakdown:
)struct Vehicle {
year: i32,
make: String,
model: String
To do this we'll need to update the imports
use async_std::net::TcpStream;
use tiberius::{Client, Config};
async fn get_vehicles() -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Vehicle>> {
let connection_string = env::var("CONNECTION_STRING").expect("CONNECTION_STRING must be set");
let config = Config::from_ado_string(&connection_string)?;
let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp).await?;
)async fn get_vehicles() -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Vehicle>> {
// ...
// Create our Vec (array) to hold our vehicle structs
let mut vehicles = Vec::<Vehicle>::new();
// Execute our queries
let rows = client
.query("SELECT Year, Make, Model FROM Vehicles", &[&1i32])
// Loop through the rows
for row in rows {
let year: i32 = row.get("Year").unwrap();
let make: &str = row.get("Make").unwrap();
let model: &str = row.get("Model").unwrap();
// Add each vehicle to the array
vehicles.push(Vehicle {
make: make.to_string(),
model: model.to_string(),
// Return the vehicles array
That's it! - Here is the final main.rs
use async_std::net::TcpStream;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use std::env;
use tiberius::{Client, Config};
struct Vehicle {
year: i32,
make: String,
model: String,
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let vehicles = get_vehicles().await?;
for vehicle in vehicles {
println!("{} {} {}", vehicle.year, vehicle.make, vehicle.model);
async fn get_vehicles() -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Vehicle>> {
let connection_string = env::var("CONNECTION_STRING").expect("CONNECTION_STRING must be set");
let config = Config::from_ado_string(&connection_string)?;
let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp).await?;
let mut vehicles = Vec::<Vehicle>::new();
let rows = client
.query("SELECT Year, Make, Model FROM Vehicles", &[&1i32])
for row in rows {
let year: i32 = row.get("Year").unwrap();
let make: &str = row.get("Make").unwrap();
let model: &str = row.get("Model").unwrap();
vehicles.push(Vehicle {
make: make.to_string(),
model: model.to_string(),